SPC 2020-2023 developments included in SimulinkWrapperGAM
- bug fix in byte array bus mapping (homogeneus mode not correctly handled)
- byte array bus map now works in uint8 type and native type, but this has to be tested again, there is at least 1 case in which it generates problems, see: https://gitlab.epfl.ch/spc/SPCIT/marte2-components/-/issues/2
- algorithm code description string retrieved and logged from the simulink code .so
- post config message send loop inserted
- 2 public methods added for working with MDSSPCWriter components
- code description string getter
- simulink port list getter
- all GAM tests passing on scd.epfl.ch with MATLAB2019a
- No additional tests added
- SimulinkWrapperGAM now works again with SPC specific components
- fix big bug in row-major / column-major conversion of model parameters and I/O signals
Edited by Cristian Galperti